Wow! 2014 was quite a year. Martin Clarke handed over the paddles to me, the weather gods shone brightly and it was an amazing first year.
At the beginning of the season I cleared the world map of all the pins from where paddlers had come the year before, and by August there was barely room for anymore. England, Germany, France, and most of Europe, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile, China, Thailand, Indonesia, and India, all over North America, and even Antarctica (though I suspect that last continent was represented by a middle schooler from Bowen!).
I loved the diversity of people coming through the door, all eager to get out and explore a little of Howe Sound. Some had never sat in a kayak; others were seasoned paddlers. Regardless, the enthusiasm and excitement about heading out, and the sheer joy present on everyone’s face on return, was a reward beyond measure for me. How great is it to make other people’s lives happy and satisfying!
2015 is kicking into gear on Easter weekend with a new look to the website, some new boats to put on the water, including some surf skis, a bunch of new paddle boards and more opportunities to launch from Tunstall Bay beach on the west side of the island.
Looking forward to welcoming you, your family, and friends for another spectacular season on the water!